A Simple Statement

This country known as the United States of America aka the United Socialist States of America is in distress. 97% of churches are incorporated which means 97% of American Pastors are too scared to preach politics or even verses right out of the Bible lest the govt shut them down. That is a fact. Look into the 501(c)3 by-laws for churches. Which is one reason why Spiritual Messiah Ministries is a “Free Church”, not incorporated. Many don’t realize that you do NOT have to be inc. to be tax-exempt.
In these times, our religious freedoms and Constitutional freedoms and rights are under attack like never before. Through sneaky power-grabs the Bill of Rights (Amendments 1-10 of the United States Constitution) are just about null and void. Do you understand what that means? If you care about America remaining free, returning to her former glory, and a promising future for generations to come; Spiritual Messiah Ministries and the Spiritual Truth Coalition need your help. Email us at spiritualmessiahministries@gmail.com for more information.

The elite know what to expect and are doing what we should be. Preparing for the worst, hoping for the best. Heroes will truly be born. Legends will be made. Will the American people spot them and stand by them in time? God only knows

About Rev. Dr. Red
I'm the Founder and Sr. Pastor of Spiritual Messiah Ministries, Health Enthusiast, Fisherman, and Small Business Owner. I'm passionate about helping others any way I can. I hope to help as many as I can lead a happier, healthier, fulfilling life. This began with my ministry, and has since expanded into a complete wellness movement.

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